


Soft blue


Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra

Healing Properties

  • Promotes spiritual growth and divine guidance
  • Activates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras
  • Encourages emotional balance and serenity
  • Supports mental clarity and meditation practices
  • Alleviates stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders


Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a captivating crystal with a soft blue color and a gentle, calming energy. Its name is derived from the Latin word "caelestis," which means "heavenly," reflecting its ethereal beauty and spiritual properties. Celestite is primarily found in Madagascar, but it can also be found in Mexico, Canada, and the United States.

Celestite's energy is often associated with spiritual growth, divine guidance, and angelic communication. Its powerful properties can help to activate the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, promoting spiritual awareness, intuition, and a deeper connection to one's higher self. Celestite is also believed to support emotional balance, serenity, and mental clarity, making it an excellent crystal for meditation and spiritual practices.

In addition to its energetic and spiritual healing properties, Celestite is known for its ability to promote physical health and well-being. Its calming energy can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders, as well as support the body's natural healing processes. Celestite is also believed to have a positive effect on the respiratory system, making it an essential crystal for holistic healing practices.

To incorporate Celestite into your daily life, you can wear it as jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, to keep its calming energy close to your body. You can also meditate with Celestite to enhance your sense of spiritual growth and emotional healing, or place it around your home or workspace to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

To maintain the full potential of your Celestite crystal, it is essential to cleanse and charge it regularly. This can be done through various methods, such as smudging, moonlight, or burying it in the earth. By maintaining a strong connection with your Celestite crystal, you can enjoy the many benefits it has to offer, including spiritual growth, divine guidance, and emotional healing.

In conclusion, Celestite is a mesmerizing and calming healing crystal that has been highly valued throughout history for its striking beauty and potent energetic properties. Its strong connection to spiritual growth, divine guidance, and angelic communication makes it an ideal choice for those seeking to enhance their spiritual connection and overall well-being. Celestite's unique appearance and calming energy make it a must-have crystal for any collector or spiritual practitioner. Whether you choose to wear Celestite jewelry, incorporate it into your meditation practice, or simply keep it close by, this enchanting gemstone can bring balance, spiritual growth, and powerful energy into your life.